Posts Tagged ‘Arab people’

Palestine, Israel, Darby, Scofield, Dispensationalism, Jews and Salvation

July 4, 2013
Deir Yassin after occupation by Jewish forces,...

Deir Yassin after occupation by Jewish forces, April 1948 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Palestine has been there for 2,000 years.

The Zionist guerrillas the Haganah and the Irgun and the Stern Gang “declared independence” in 1948 and battled the British, who quickly gave it up. The Irgun terrorized the Arabs with a strategically precision massacre in one or two small villages like at Deir Yassin where they did not leave even one woman or baby alive. Deir Yassin was strategically located for military and logistics reasons, and it did not matter to the Irgun, led by Begin, that the Arabs of Deir Yassin had declared their neutrality in the war between the Zionists and the Arab countries without, and had been a village that had been one of the friendliest to the Jews in what was ON THE MAPS at the time denoted as “Palestine”.

The Jews had wandered for about 1,900 years without a state, but now it’s the Palestinians –those are the Muslim and CHRISTIAN Arabs that have ancestral roots to Palestine. Many of them are Arabs that had properties and homes from generations before that they had to abandon in some cases, forced out, and in other cases fled in panic when they saw the massacres and saw that the Irgun terrorists were winning the battles. Western money and weapons flooded in for the Zionists, who had the advantage of advanced military training from the Western countries.

It’s also a religious state where Christians, especially Arab Christians, are treated as de facto second-class citizens. Jewish immigrants are immediately granted full citizenship status, defined as either offspring of a Jewish mother or certified as a bona fide religious Jew by some recognized rabbi. When Jewish immigrants become Christians, they have had to battle the state to retain their citizenship as Jews. “Messianic Jews”, meaning Jews who are self-identified Christians and recognize Jesus as the Messiah but follow the Torah and the Jewish customs, are despised culturally,

Jews for Jesus are especially scorned by the rabbis and politicians because (1) they enthusiastically witness to their Jewish neighbors about Jesus, and (2) they openly recognize that there is no special place for “Jewishness” in God’s eyes.

That’s one reason there is this “ecumenical” movement getting such strong support in the States. James Hagee has probably gotten millions in paybacks for his sycophantic preaching for the divine right of Jews to refuse Jesus. They want to tell Christians to witness to everybody else just not them.

The Jewish special-ness got started in the 19th century with John Darby in England and Cyrus Scofield in the States. Darby is sometimes called the “father of dispensationalism”. Darby hated the Bible so he rewrote it, with a text more bendable to promote dispensationalism. Divine right of Jewish ancestry.

Cyrus Scofield was a serial con man and womanizer with a series of divorces in his wake when it was culturally repugnant, but the most repugnant thing was he absconded with these rich women’s wealth, and refused to send child support for his own biological progeny. Finally he ended up in prison for embezzling in a bank of his employ.

Some group we know little about at the time supposedly “converted” him in prison, and set him up with Darby. Cyrus Scofield knew that Americans were still not so foolish as to deceived by a new “translation”, so he just rewrote the Bible by created copious notes in the margin that redefined the text to something else and created a labyrinth of verse cross-references that twisted the word to destructive deceit.

That’s how dispensationalism (and an incidental divine right-type destiny for Jews) got rewritten into the Bible. He divided up the Bible and said this part’s not for you, it was for the patriarchs. This other part is for you, but not for the Jews. This other part is for the Jews. Blah blah blah. Screwed up the timing of the “Second Coming” and everything.

So after Scofield, we got a series of commentators coming after that wrote basically the same things into the Bible and they started teaching it in seminaries (many of them “cemeteries”, where youth go to bury their faith).

And now, a “Fellowship of Christians and Jews”, where instead of obeying Mark 16:15 as in “first to the Jew”, they are learning how to be modern-day Jews!

“He that hath the Son hath life; he that hath not the Son hath not life; but the wrath of God abideth upon him”.–John 3:36.

To the Jews even the Old Testament prophets asked “Why will ye die?” and it is full of condemnations of the Jews for their sins. The state of Israel and the Muslim-dominated states nearby are cooperating on one thing at least: pretending that Palestinian Christians do not exist. They are un-persons in international Old Media.

But they do exist. God is ultimately in charge. His wheels of justice are slow but sure. David clearly recognized in one prayer that the wicked are “God’s sword”, meaning God uses them for judgment sometimes.

The hope for this world is in the Son of God, the Prince of Peace. Changing people one heart at a time. That’s why preaching at Muslims and this suicidal policy pushed by George Soros money of “duty to intervene” is not going to work for peace.

What’s going to work is the Brother Andrew approach: supporting the persecuted Christians already inside these countries. I have no doubt that the body of Christians in China has something to do with the thawing of tyranny there. Helping Hands Korea supports North Korean refugees in South Korea and in China, and I am sure he’s helping North Koreans inside their country (and not just Christians). I know this because I know the founder, worked with him in Phoenix for awhile.

That’s how the Roman Empire changed, how slavery ended in Europe after them, education spread.. One heart at a time…